Equipped With
Rowe Uncoiler with Coil Car
-Capacity: 40,000# x 72" Wide
-70" Face Mandrel
-Approx. 10" Dia. Main Shaft
-Powered Expansion
-20" - 24" Coil I.D. Range
-Holddown Roll
-Sliding Base w/Rack and Pinion
-20 HP Baldor DC Motor, 1750/2300 RPM, 500 V
-Parker DC Drive Control
-Wichita Clutch
-Passline: 63.5" from Floor to center of Mandrel
-Line Direction: Right to Left
Coil Car:
-Capacity: 40,000#
-Model: BGY-40
-S/N: 24843
-AC Motor Powered
-Hand Pendant Control
-In Storage: Toledo, OH